Mars Rover Yielding New Clues While Lodged in Martian Soil

( -- NASA's Mars rover Spirit, lodged in Martian soil that is causing traction trouble, is taking advantage of the situation by learning more about the Red Planet's environmental history.

NASA 'optometrists' verify Mars 2020 rover's 20/20 vision

Equipped with visionary science instruments, the Mars 2020 rover underwent an "eye" exam after several cameras were installed on it. The rover contains an armada of imaging capabilities, from wide-angle landscape cameras ...

Training robots to relieve chronic pain

Researchers at Swinburne have developed a collaborative robot system to automatically treat back, neck and head pain caused by soft tissue injury.

Robot created to monitor key wine vineyard parameters

Grapes must be picked at the exact point of maturation, and its plant must have the appropriate intake of water during development so that the wine ends up with desired properties. Controlling those parameters is complicated ...

3-D models from cheap video cameras

Hannes Ovrén shows in his doctoral thesis in computer vision at Linköping University how 3-D models can be created from video films recorded with simple body- or robot-mounted cameras. The research opens new possibilities ...

Talking to an android: Meet ERICA

We've all tried talking with devices, and in some cases they talk back. But, it's a far cry from having a conversation with a real person. Now, a research team from Kyoto University, Osaka University, and the Advanced Telecommunications ...

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