Robots as tools and partners in rehabilitation

In future decades, the need for effective strategies for medical rehabilitation will increase significantly, because patients' rate of survival after diseases with severe functional deficits, such as a stroke, will increase. ...

How would you like your assistant—human or robotic?

( —Roboticists are currently developing machines that have the potential to help patients with caregiving tasks, such as housework, feeding and walking. But before they reach the care recipients, assistive robots ...

New methods keep bugs out of software for self-driving cars

Driver assistance technologies, such as adaptive cruise control and automatic braking, promise to someday ease traffic on crowded routes and prevent accidents. Proving that these automated systems will work as intended is ...

Japan robot suit firm lists on stock market

Cyberdyne, the maker of a battery-powered exoskeleton robot suit, made its stock market debut on Tuesday, as the firm looks to raise money to boost its research.

Assistive robot learns to feed

About a million Americans with injury or age-related disabilities need someone to help them eat. Now NIBIB funded engineers have taught a robot the strategies needed to pick up food with a fork and gingerly deliver it to ...

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