New genes on "deteriorating" Y chromosome

The Y chromosome, which is found only in males, is difficult to decode even with the latest sequencing technologies. Among evolutionary biologists, the question as to which genes lie on the male sex chromosome and where they ...

RNA lifespan determination during transcription

Control of RNA lifespan is vital for the proper functioning of our cells. Marc Bühler's group at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) has discovered a novel mechanism determining the fate of RNA ...

Tweaking the transcriptome to tackle stress

Single-celled plankton known as dinoflagellates are shown to cope with stress using an unexpected strategy of editing their RNA rather than changing gene expression levels.

Making single-cell RNA sequencing widely available

Sequencing messenger RNA molecules from individual cells offers a glimpse into the lives of those cells, revealing what they're doing at a particular time. However, the equipment required to do this kind of analysis is cumbersome ...

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