Monometallic endohedral azafullerene synthesized for first time

Recently, a research team led by Prof. Yang Shangfeng from the University of Sciences and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) synthesized La@C81N, a type of monometallic endohedral azafullerene ...

Researchers compile ethnopharmacology of genus Veronicastrum

The genus Veronicastrum (Plantaginaceae) has about 20 species in the world with a distribution in eastern Asia and North America. Species in the genus Veronicastrum are beautiful perennial herbs with mostly alternate leaves, ...

The phenotypic costs of animal captivity

Animals bred in captivity can experience significant changes to their bodies, behavior and health, which affects their chances of survival when they're released into the wild, a new review from The Australian National University ...

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