Identical twins begin polar trek

Identical twins - Hugo and Ross Turner – will begin a unique expedition across the polar ice cap of Greenland this week, during which researchers at King's will study how modern clothes, food and equipment protect the body.

Rescue of icebound Antarctic ship faces setback

A Chinese icebreaker that was en route to rescue a ship trapped in Antarctic ice was forced to turn back on Saturday after being unable to push its way through the heavy sea ice.

Icebound ship in Antarctica edges closer to rescue

A ship that has been trapped in thick Antarctic ice since Christmas Eve was nearing rescue on Friday, after a Chinese icebreaker named the Snow Dragon drew close to the icebound vessel.

Seafloor research expedition features live online video feed

UC Santa Cruz hydrogeologist Andrew Fisher is leading an expedition on the research vessel (R/V) Atlantis this summer to explore fluid flow and microbial habitats deep within the ocean crust. His team is returning to a set ...

Exploring the saltiness of the ocean to study climate change

Details are emerging from a recent research expedition to the Sub-Tropical North Atlantic. The objective of the expedition was to study the salt concentration (salinity) of the upper ocean. Scientists aboard the Spanish research ...

What lies beneath: NASA Antarctic sub goes subglacial

(—When researcher Alberto Behar from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., joined an international Antarctic expedition last month on a trek to investigate a subglacial lake, he brought with him ...

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