Surprising discovery could change the way industry uses nickel

Nickel is one of the most abundant elements on earth. It is hard, yet malleable, magnetic at room temperature, and a relatively good conductor of electricity and heat. Most notably, nickel is highly corrosion resistant, which ...

UK Research Funding to Reward Economic Benefits

( -- The UK government is developing a new scheme, the Research Excellence Framework (REF), to assess university research proposals and allocate public funds for research. The scheme is being developed in collaboration ...

Providing nature-based solutions for landscape sustainability

There is growing recognition that bringing more natural features and processes to cities could help tackle climate change, support economic growth and enhance human well-being. Nature-based solutions like green roofs and ...

Why gender diversity in research matters

Despite making huge strides, women scientists seeking to climb the career ladder still face many barriers. Raising awareness of these issues within the scientific community is part of the steps needed to remove them - so ...

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