Redbox raising DVD rental rates by 25 percent

Redbox is raising its DVD rental prices by 25 percent in an effort to wring more revenue from the shrinking audience that still watches movies on discs rather than online.

Paramount in trial deal to supply DVDs to Redbox

(AP) -- Movie studio Paramount Pictures is following the lead of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. and Sony Corp. by agreeing to supply films to $1-per-night DVD rental kiosk company Redbox.

Warner Bros. to impose delay on Redbox, others

(AP) -- Warner Bros. on Thursday joined studios Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox in demanding shipments be delayed to $1-per-night DVD rental kiosks like Redbox in an attempt to preserve demand for higher-priced disc ...

Whither Redbox? Hollywood studios are conflicted

(AP) -- Hollywood studios are split over Redbox, the $1-per-night DVD rental kiosk company: They could supply it with cheap wholesale discs and ride its massive growth, or starve it in the hopes of preserving higher-priced ...

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