World's smelliest and largest flower blooms in Brazil

Hundreds of visitors are flocking daily to a botanical garden in southeastern Brazil to watch the rare blooming of the Titan arum, the world's smelliest and largest tropical flower.

Cassowary leaping high caught on film for first time

By hiding in camouflaged tents for months in the dense rainforest, UNSW Ph.D. student and film-maker Dan Hunter has captured fascinating footage of Australia's "dino-bird" – the elusive flightless cassowary.

Waterways in Brazil's Manaus choked by tons of trash

In Manaus, the largest city in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, tons of stinking trash fill the canals and streams, giving one the feeling that they're visiting a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Scientists discover when beetles became prolific

Using a previously published and carefully curated 68-gene dataset, the scientists ran a battery of mathematical models to reconstruct the evolution of protein sequences—the results of which, have been published today in ...

'Jaws' lived in Doncaster according to fossil record

( —Sharks, swamps and a tropical rainforest teeming with life – it's not what comes to mind when you think of Yorkshire. But for the first time evidence of Doncaster's 310-million-year-old past, including a ...

The pluses and (mostly) minuses of biofuels

Speakers at last week’s AAAS meeting presented abundant evidence that tropical rainforest destruction has accelerated in recent years, at least in part because of the worldwide push to produce more biofuels.

Global appetite for beef, soy fuels Amazon fires

Two of the industries involved in the infernos consuming the Amazon rainforest and drawing the attention of global powers gathered at the G7 meeting in France are familiar to diners worldwide: soy and beef.

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