Further delays signalled in super-telescope plan

The international consortium behind a plan to build the world's most powerful radio telescope on Wednesday signalled further delays in deciding whether it should be hosted by South Africa or Australia.

Korean connection makes an 8,000-km telescope

Australian and Korean radio telescopes have been linked for the first time, forming a system that acts as a telescope 8000 km across.Australian and Korean radio telescopes have been linked together for the first time, forming ...

Debate still raging on site for super-telescope

An international consortium planning to build the world's most powerful radiotelescope is still debating whether South Africa or Australia should host the $2 billion project, an official said Friday.

Iconic telescope renamed to honor founder of radio astronomy

(PhysOrg.com) -- The world's most famous radio telescope will become the "Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array" to honor the founder of radio astronomy, the study of the Universe via radio waves naturally emitted by objects in ...

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