Rice U. parlays sun's saving grace into autoclave (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Rice University senior engineering students are using the sun to power an autoclave that sterilizes medical instruments and help solve a long-standing health issue for developing countries.

Apple watch monitors falls, track heart rhythms

For more than a decade, the latest Apple products have been the annual must-have holiday gift for the tech-savvy. That raises the question: Is the newest Apple Watch on your list—either to give or receive—this year?

Same-sex attracted men neglected in Africa

HIV-related research and programming has excluded same-sex attracted men in Africa for three decades. Their exclusion cannot be accounted for by the assertion that they are unreachable, says Norwegian researcher.

COVID-19 lockdowns reduced disease spread, but with costs

The lockdowns at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic reduced the spread of infection by an estimated 56%, a recent study has found. If all governors did not issue any lockdowns until April 23, 2020, the number of cases would ...

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