Bowhead whales may be pregnant for up to 23 months

A team of biologists and aquatic researchers from Suffolk University, Arctic Aquatic Research Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources has found evidence suggesting that female ...

A better pregnancy test for whales

It's not easy to do pregnancy tests on whales. You can't just ask a wild ocean animal that's the size of a school bus to pee on a little stick. For decades, the only way scientists could count pregnant females was by sight ...

DC zoo: Panda behavior hints at possible pregnancy

The Smithsonian's National Zoo says its female giant panda is showing behavioral changes and is focused on building her nest as animal keepers watch for a possible pregnancy.

National Zoo keeping watch for panda pregnancy

(AP)—Scientists at the Smithsonian's National Zoo say the female giant panda's hormones are rising, which indicates she may be pregnant or experiencing a false pregnancy.

Researchers solve mystery of long elephant pregnancy

( -- For years biologists have puzzled over how it is that elephants are able to maintain such long pregnancies, which typically run to nearly two years. While many theories have been tossed around, no one really ...

Singing During Pregnancy May Be Harder Due To Hormones

The question of how hormones affect a woman's voice is relevant to professional singers because hormonal fluctuations may place them at risk of injury. Knowing when the risks are greatest would help singers avoid performing ...