10-minute meditation could help reduce Brexit polarization

In a new study, a brief, audio-guided, befriending-themed meditation reduced affective polarization between people on the "Remain" versus "Leave" sides of the U.K.'s Brexit referendum. Otto Simonsson of the Karolinska Institutet ...

For couples, negative speaks louder than positive

After a long day, a couple cuddles together while watching a favorite show, taking comfort in each other's touch, scent and voices—until one partner makes an insensitive comment. Will the comment be quickly forgotten, or ...

National identity: Does buying local mean shunning global?

U.S. consumers are often urged to "buy American," and some special interest groups even claim that buying foreign products is inappropriate, or even immoral. But when it comes to buying domestic products, positive feelings ...

Good cause + moderate discount = more sales

Many businesses now offer customers the opportunity to make charitable donations to good causes along with their purchases, but does this really encourage the customer to buy more? According to a new study in the Journal ...

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