Related topics: allergy

Method analyzes pollen fast, cheaply and automatically

Pollen: essential for the pollination of many plants, but the bane of allergy sufferers. Pollen warning services provide information about daily exposure and allergy risk and are an important source of information for affected ...

Scientists transform ultra-tough pollen into flexible material

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have found a way to turn pollen, one of the hardest materials in the plant kingdom, into a soft and flexible material, with the potential to serve ...

Bumblebees hate pumpkin pollen, which may help pumpkins

When it comes to feeding on pollen, honeybees and bumblebees are generalists. They like a buffet of choices—except when it comes to pollen from flowers of the genus Cucurbita, including squash and pumpkin, which they avoid.

Bumble bees prefer a low-fat diet

Bees are an important factor for our environment and our sustenance. Without insect pollination, many plant species—including various crops—cannot reproduce. "Bee mortality therefore affects food supply for human beings," ...

When flowers reached Australia

New research has revealed that Australia's oldest flowering plants are 126 million years old and may have resembled modern magnolias, buttercups and laurels.

Deflating beach balls and drug delivery

Many natural microscopic objects—red blood cells and pollen grains, for example—take the form of distorted spheres. The distortions can be compared to those observed when a sphere is 'deflated' so that it steadily loses ...

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