Climate change debate fueled by 'echo chambers,' study finds

A new study from researchers at the University of Maryland (UMD) and the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) demonstrates that the highly contentious debate on climate change is fueled in part by how information ...

Biofuels 'done right' can curb greenhouse gas emissions: study

( -- Biofuels derived from renewable sources can be produced in large quantities and address many problems related to fossil fuels, including greenhouse gas emissions, but only if they are made from certain sources, ...

US scientists to speak out on climate change

Hundreds of US scientists are joining a mass effort to speak out on climate change, experts said Monday after skeptics gained political ground with last week's Republican gains in Congress.

Minimum wage hikes don't eliminate jobs

Increasing the minimum wage does not lead to the short- or long-term loss of low paying jobs, according to a new study co-authored by UC Berkeley economics professor Michael Reich and published in the November issue of the ...

The moral element of climate change

Lawmakers around the world struggle to create policies that balance their nations' needs and interests with their impacts on global warming.

Opinion: We have forgotten what a 'natural' river even looks like

Britain's rivers are under the spotlight because of an untreated sewage crisis, and the pendulum of floods and droughts that are the hallmark of a warming world. But hidden within these policy debates is a pervasive and under ...

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