Shifting the balance of growth vs. defense boosts crop yield

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) scientists are figuring out how to pack more kernels onto a corn cob. One way to boost the productivity of a plant, they say, is to redirect some of its resources away from maintaining ...

How to save olives from destructive diseases

Plant pathogens, or disease-causing viruses, bacteria and fungi could lead to significant losses in agricultural yields, and threaten food security and ecosystem integrity. Between 2012 and 2017, the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa ...

New discovery to fight citrus exocortis viroid

What's a viroid like you doing in a ribosome like this? This is the question set out by a team from the Institute for Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBMCP, in Spanish), a joint center of the Universitat Politècnica ...

Using pathogen-specific viruses to control pathogen outbreaks

Researchers from the Utrecht University, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of York (UK) and the Nanjing Agricultural University (China) have developed a new technology to selectively destroy the pathogen ...

Ants fight plant diseases

New research from Aarhus University shows that ants inhibit at least 14 plant diseases. Ants secrete antibiotics from glands in the body. On their legs and body, they also host colonies of bacteria that secrete antibiotics. ...

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