How to handle zeroes in ecological data

The analysis of ecological data can be a difficult endeavor. Ecological data are noisy: some days are windy, some days are hotter than usual, sometimes ants chew through your carefully placed flagging tape, and sometimes ...

Fighting the Colorado potato beetle with RNA interference

Colorado potato beetles are a dreaded pest of potatoes all over the world. Since they do not have natural enemies in most potato producing regions, farmers try to control them with pesticides. However, this strategy is often ...

Playing tag with sugars in the cornfield

Sugars are usually known as energy storage units in plants and the insects that feed on them. But, sugars may also be part of a deadly game of tag between plant and insect according to scientists at the Max Planck Institute ...

Ants protect acacia plants against pathogens

The biological term "symbiosis" refers to what economists and politicians usually call a win-win situation: a relationship between two partners which is beneficial to both. The mutualistic association between acacia plants ...

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