Related topics: cattle

Using CRISPR to make warmer, less fatty pigs

A team of researchers with members from several institutions in China and one in the U.K. has used the CRISPR-Cas 9 gene editing technique to cause test pigs to retain less bodyfat. In their paper published in Proceedings ...

Archaeological, genetic evidence expands views of domestication

Many of our ideas about domestication derive from Charles Darwin, whose ideas in turn were strongly influenced by British animal-breeding practices during the 19th century, a period when landowners vigorously pursued systematic ...

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Sus barbatus Sus bucculentus Sus cebifrons Sus celebensis Sus domesticaSus falconeriSus hysudricus Sus oliveri Sus philippensis Sus scrofaSus strozzi Sus verrucosus

Pigs are a genus of even-toed ungulates within the family Suidae. The name hog most commonly refers to the domestic pig (Sus domestica) in everyday parlance, but technically encompasses several distinct species, including the Wild Boar. Swine is a non-declensive noun generally used to describe a herd of pigs rather than an individual, however it may often be implied in a pejorative manner to any living being expressing pig-like behaviour.

With around 2 billion on the planet, domestic pigs are also by far the most numerous pig species. Pigs are omnivores, and despite their reputation for gluttony, they are generally social and intelligent animals.

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