Bell Labs researchers build camera with no lens

( —A small team of researchers at Bell Labs in New Jersey has built a camera that has no lens. Instead, as they explain in their paper they've uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, the camera uses a LCD array, ...

New material promises better solar cells

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology show that a recently discovered class of materials can be used to create a new kind of solar cell.

One in, two out: Simulating more efficient solar cells

(—Using an exotic form of silicon could substantially improve the efficiency of solar cells, according to computer simulations by researchers at the University of California, Davis, and in Hungary. The work was ...

New finding could pave way to faster, smaller electronics

University of California, Davis, researchers for the first time have looked inside gallium manganese arsenide, a type of material known as a "dilute magnetic semiconductor" that could open up an entirely new class of faster, ...

A new look below the surface of nanomaterials

Scientists can now look deeper into new materials to study their structure and behavior, thanks to work by an international group of researchers led by UC Davis and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and published ...

Better, faster, cheaper: Doing business with the sun

The change in energy policy has been decided; Germany needs more green energy. From Sep. 5-9 in Hamburg, everything will revolve around our biggest energy supplier: the sun. At the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, ...

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