NSA data center runs into electrical problems

The Army Corps of Engineers says it has found electrical problems at the National Security Agency's $1.7 billion data center that could delay the new facility's long-awaited opening this fall in Utah.

Not just for talking, smartphones are hubs: survey

For US smartphone users, talking is old hat. A survey released Tuesday showed Americans spend an average of nearly two hours a day—114 minutes—on their smartphones, including just 23 minutes talking.

Review: 'Mega' phone is huge, with limited appeal

Please turn off all electronic devices, the flight crew instructs as we approach Los Angeles. With a small phone, I might have gotten away with ignoring safety regulations. Samsung's new Galaxy Mega phone was too conspicuous ...

Phone call, SMS or perhaps a Whatsapp message?

Smartphone users' communication habits have been studied in a doctoral thesis at Aalto University. The users' choices are affected, e.g., by the strength of the relationship with the other party and the context in which the ...

China Telecom profit rises after it offers iPhone

State-owned China Telecom, the country's third biggest mobile phone operator by subscribers, said Wednesday that profits grew in the first half of the year as revenue from iPhone sales kicked in.

Samsung to unveil 'smartwatch' next month: reports

South Korea's Samsung Electronics will unveil its new Galaxy Gear "smartwatch" early next month, ahead of Apple's iWatch, Bloomberg news and a fan site said Saturday.

Google wants to start a conversation

Search engine companies like Google, Microsoft and, to a lesser extent, Apple are trying their best to get users to stop typing in queries and to start using their voices to ask more conversational questions to perform searches ...

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