A penis in amber

A research team led by Jason Dunlop from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany, published in the international journal The Science of Nature the unusual discovery of a 99 million year old harvestman with an extended ...

Compiling a 'dentist's handbook' for penis worms

A new study of teeth belonging to a particularly phallic-looking creature has led to the compilation of a prehistoric 'dentist's handbook' which may aid in the identification of previously unrecognized specimens from the ...

Ancient European bear had unusually large penis bone

(Phys.org) —Researchers working at Spain's Batallones-3 dig site in the area of Cerro de los Batallones have unearthed five baculum (os penis) that once belonged to five now extinct examples of a species of bear classified ...

Sea animal has grow-again penis

Scientists reported Wednesday on the bizarre sex life of a sea slug that discards its penis after copulation. Then grows a new one.

'Penis-head' fish discovered in Vietnam

A new species of fish with a penis on its head has been identified in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, researchers said on Wednesday.

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