Scientists tweak CRISPR to speed up genomic editing

The powerful gene-editing tool, CRISPR, has revolutionized research by allowing scientists to snip and patch DNA with remarkable precision. But tracking the impact of these changes on gene function can be time-consuming. ...

Image: Reflection nebula NGC 1999

This spooky sight, imaged by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, resembles fog lit by a streetlamp swirling around a curiously shaped hole – and there is some truth in that. While the 'fog' is dust and gas lit up by the ...

'Acidic patch' regulates access to genetic information

Chromatin remodelers—protein machines that pack and unpack chromatin, the tightly wound DNA-protein complex in cell nuclei—are essential and powerful regulators for critical cellular processes, such as replication, recombination ...

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