The ethics of resurrecting extinct species

( —At some point, scientists may be able to bring back extinct animals, and perhaps early humans, raising questions of ethics and environmental disruption.

3Qs: The ethics of species 'de-extinction'

Scientists are closing in on the capacity to clone extinct species using biotechnology and DNA samples from the ancient past, a process that is called "de-extinction." The prospect of bringing back extinct species was discussed ...

Long-extinct passenger pigeon finds a place in the family tree

With bits of DNA extracted from century-old museum specimens, researchers have found a place for the extinct passenger pigeon in the family tree of pigeons and doves, identifying for the first time this unique bird's closest ...

All gone: How erasing billions of birds shocked us

It was the moment that humanity learned we had the awesome power to erase an entire species off the face of the Earth in the scientific equivalent of a blink of an eye: The passenger pigeon went from billions of birds to ...

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