Molecular properties are only weakly correlated, study finds

The number of molecules thought to exist is unfathomably large—somewhere between 1050 and 1060 (for comparison, there are only 1022 to 1024 stars in the observable universe). The chemical and pharmaceutical sciences have ...

A blueprint for a quantum computer in reverse gear

Large numbers can only be factorized with a great deal of computational effort. Physicists at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, led by Wolfgang Lechner are now providing a blueprint for a new type of quantum computer ...

Predictive simulation successes on Dawn supercomputer

( -- The 500-teraFLOPS Advanced Simulation and Computing program's Sequoia Initial Delivery System (Dawn), an IBM machine of the same lineage as BlueGene/L, has immediately proved itself useful as several initial ...

Organ donation—a new frontier for AI?

Organ transplants are a game of odds. Success depends on a number of factors: how old and how healthy the donor is, how old and how healthy the recipient is, how good a biological match can be found, how ready the patient ...

Shrinking endoscopes with meta-optical fibers

Ultra-compact, agile endoscopes with a large field of view (FoV), long depth of field (DoF), and short rigid tip length are essential for developing minimally invasive operations and new experimental surgeries. As these fields ...

Optimizing continuous-variable functions with quantum annealing

Quantum annealing (QA) is a cutting-edge algorithm that leverages the unique properties of quantum computing to tackle complex combinatorial optimization problems (a class of mathematical problems dealing with discrete-variable ...

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