Energy storage and renewable energy growth to accelerate in 2016

The extreme weather patterns and environmental occurrences experienced across the Asia Pacific region have brought to the forefront the urgent need for countries to work together and reach an agreement on actionable solutions ...

Chemistry for the methanol economy

Unstable crude oil prices and limited oil resources have made the production of petrochemicals from methanol increasingly popular—above all in China. Scientists at ETH Zurich have now deciphered the complex chemistry behind ...

Commodity market volatility more perception than reality

When grain and other commodity prices experienced explosive episodes between 2004 and 2013, the finger pointed toward index traders as the cause. University of Illinois researchers identified and date-stamped both upward ...

Six energy companies call for carbon pricing

Six leading oil and gas companies Monday called on governments to put into place a carbon pricing system, saying this would be the most effective way of cutting the emission of greenhouse gases.

Book details how biofuel policies affect food prices

Since their inception in 2006, biofuel policies have created turmoil in the world grains and oilseeds markets and made a more profound impact on society than any other topic in food policy and agricultural economics, according ...

The debate over Arctic drilling - what's at stake

Seattle's mayor and environmentalists have vowed to block Royal Dutch Shell PLC from parking two Arctic offshore drilling rigs on Seattle's waterfront, an effort to thwart the new frontier in oil exploration and spark a national ...

Build or burn? Competition for wood on the rise

Wood is becoming an increasingly popular raw material - and not just in the construction sector. More and more private households and municipal authorities are also using wood for heating. All of which is driving competition ...

US drillers scrambling to thwart OPEC threat

OPEC and lower global oil prices delivered a one-two punch to the drillers in North Dakota and Texas who brought the U.S. one of the biggest booms in the history of the global oil industry.

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