Oil and gas exploration benefit from space technology

(PhysOrg.com) -- A special kind of titanium and a manufacturing technique used to build the Ariane 5 rocket could become the next successful spin-offs from Europe's space programme, benefiting the oil and gas industry.

Trade group sues over polar bear critical habitat

(AP) -- An Alaska petroleum industry trade group has sued the federal government over its designation of 187,157 square miles as polar bear critical habitat, claiming it covers too much territory and could cost tens of millions ...

Europe bids to tighten offshore drilling rules

Europe moved Thursday towards agreement on new rules governing offshore oil and gas drilling in response to a major environmental disaster off the United States, but environmentalists criticised the omission of terms covering ...

Israel firms invest in Cyprus energy search

Israeli firms Delek and Avner signed an agreement on Monday to acquire a 30 percent stake in exploration rights for gas and oil off Cyprus's southern shore carried out by US company Noble Energy.

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