It's totally possible to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees

The world is already feeling the impacts of global warming. Since before the Industrial Revolution, the global thermostat has climbed by about 1 degree Celsius. As a result, hurricanes are becoming more fierce; the seas are ...

Full power: Alternative energy partnerships flourish in Asia

As President Barack Obama begins a trip to Asia to coordinate with allies and reconfirm America's strategic pivot to the Pacific, officials at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) emphasized today the Asia-Pacific Technology ...

Pioneering solar pilots 'make sci-fi a reality'

The Swiss pilot readying to cross the Atlantic in a solar-powered plane on the next leg of a record-breaking, round-the-world mission says he is making science fiction reality.

Using the power of symmetry for new quantum technologies

By taking advantage of nature's own inherent symmetry, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have found a way to control and communicate with the dark state of atoms. This finding opens another door toward ...

Generation green: smart cities bring new eco-friendly jobs

Smart cities across Europe are pioneering all sorts of cutting-edge technologies to reduce pollution and boost energy efficiency, becoming green role models for others to follow. The eco-friendly push is not only helping ...

Quantifying uncertainty in computer model predictions

DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has great interest in technologies that will lead to reducing the CO2 emissions of fossil-fuel-burning power plants. Advanced energy technologies such as Integrated Gasification ...

Solar incentives sunset as states grapple with tight budgets

Thousands of homeowners and small businesses in New Mexico—the second sunniest state in the nation—have invested nearly a quarter billion dollars in roof-top solar and related labor thanks to a program fueled by tax credits.

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