Related topics: cancer cells

There are deposits of ice at Mercury's poles, too

Although the Arecibo radio telescope is no more, it continues to deliver scientific discoveries. There is a wealth of Arecibo data astronomers continue to mine for new discoveries, and one of them is thanks to an astronomical ...

The importance of new species in an age of biodiversity loss

The recent announcement that Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and our partners have recorded over 100 new species in Myanmar in the decade since we began working there caused quite a stir, but that landmark figure doesn't ...

Scientists reveal 4.4 million galaxies in a new map

Durham University astronomer collaborating with a team of international scientists have mapped more than a quarter of the northern sky using the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), a pan-European radio telescope.

Swarm and Cluster missions get to the bottom of geomagnetic storms

The notion of living in a bubble is usually associated with negative connotations, but all life on Earth is dependent on the safe bubble created by our magnetic field. Understanding how the field is generated, how it protects ...

Dancing ghosts point to new discoveries in the cosmos

Researchers from Western Sydney University and CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, have discovered strange clouds of electrons surrounding galaxies deep in the cosmos. The clouds, which are about a billion light years ...

Symbionts sans frontieres: Bacterial partners travel the world

This pandemic year has restricted international travel for humans. Not so for some microscopic bacteria in the ocean: They partner up with clams living in the sand beneath the shimmering waters of coastal habitats throughout ...

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