Growing cyber threat to US infrastructure: spy chief

The United States faces a mounting danger from cyber attacks on its infrastructure while digital espionage threatens to undercut the military's technological edge, the intelligence chief said Tuesday.

3Qs: The rules of cyber-engagement

The Obama administration is close to approving the nation's first set of rules for how the military can defend or retaliate against a major cyberattack, according to a report last month in The New York Times. One such new ...

'Hello car, what is the password?'

As cars get clever - bristling with computer chips and networking capabilities - an EU-funded project makes sure that your car's data stays safe and the networks are secure from hackers and tampering.

Cuba turns on fiber-optic IT link to Venezuela (Update)

An undersea fiber-optic cable stretching from Cuba to Venezuela has been switched on, in the first hard-wired link from the communist-run island to international telecom networks, the state telecom agency announced Thursday.

UK telecoms regulator studies possibility of 5G

(—Minding the need for more and more mobile spectrum in a post-4G environment, Ofcom, the UK telecoms regulator, announced on Friday that it is preparing to support the release of spectrum for future mobile services, ...

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