Netflix light on flicks as viewers soak up TV shows

Like most fresh faces that arrive in Hollywood, Netflix wanted to be a movie star. But now it's learning what many in Tinseltown have known for decades: Movies are sexy, but the real money is in television.

Humbled Netflix CEO still thinking, talking big

(AP) -- To hear Netflix CEO Reed Hastings tell it, the bone-headed decisions that have dragged down the Internet's leading video subscription service during the past five months eventually will be forgotten like a bad movie ...

Review: OnLive Desktop brings the PC to tablets

So you love your iPad, but you wish you could work on Microsoft Office software, watch Flash video and generally have more of a PC-like experience? OnLive Desktop is one way you can.

Video rentals top sales for first time since 2000

(AP) -- Americans spent more money renting home movies than buying them in the second quarter, marking only the second time that's happened in the DVD era. The big switch in consumer behavior shows the rising popularity ...

Netflix rolls out new tool to profile viewers

Netflix is introducing a long-awaited feature that will make it easier for the Internet video service to track and analyze the viewing habits of people sharing the same $8-per-month account.

Blockbuster fighting back with new technologies

Blockbuster Inc. isn't going down without a fight. Battling financial losses, layoffs and fierce competition from Netflix, Apple, Sony, Google, Microsoft and others, Blockbuster is betting its survival on a slew of new technologies ...

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Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) is an online DVD and Blu-ray Disc rental service, offering flat rate rental-by-mail and online streaming to customers in the United States. Established in 1997 and headquartered in Los Gatos, California, it has amassed a collection of 100,000 titles and approximately 10 million subscribers. The company has more than 55 million discs and, on average, ships 1.9 million DVDs to customers each day. Netflix previously claimed to spend about $300 million a year on postage. On February 25, 2007, Netflix announced the billionth DVD delivery. Two years later, on April 2, 2009, the company announced that it had mailed its two billionth DVD, and awarded the recipient with a complimentary lifetime membership. It topped the ForeSee Results’ Top 100 Online Retail Satisfaction Index with an American Customer Satisfaction Index score of 86, well over the industry average of 75.

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