Genetic switches play big role in human evolution

( —A Cornell study offers further proof that the divergence of humans from chimpanzees some 4 million to 6 million years ago was profoundly influenced by mutations to DNA sequences that play roles in turning genes ...

Discovering the architect of bamboo

Simon Velez is known for his impressive constructions made of bamboo. The Colombian architect is the subject of an outdoor exhibition at Rossinière.

Silk-based optical waveguides meet biomedical needs

There is a growing need for biocompatible photonic components for biomedical applications - from in vivo glucose monitoring to detecting harmful viruses or the telltale markers of Alzheimer's. Optical waveguides are of ...

New technique uses genomes to examine human migrations

( -- Cornell researchers have developed new statistical methods based on the complete genome sequences of people alive today to shed light on events at the dawn of human history.

New method could help quantify untapped natural gas reservoirs

More than 30 states have shale formations that harbor natural gas underground, according to the Energy Information Administration. But industry experts can't agree on exactly how much fuel is inside. That's because natural ...

Nature-inspired advance for treating sensitive teeth

Taking inspiration from Mother Nature, scientists are reporting an advance toward preventing the tooth sensitivity that affects millions of people around the world. Their report on development of the substance, similar to ...

Playing with glass safely—and making it stronger

( —Researchers at Yale have developed a way to alter the microanatomy of glass and measure how the changes affect the material's overall character—offering new possibilities for tailoring glass with unusual strength ...

Kangaroo fecal microbes could reduce methane from cows

Baby kangaroo feces might help provide an unlikely solution to the environmental problem of cow-produced methane. A microbial culture developed from the kangaroo feces inhibited methane production in a cow stomach simulator ...

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