The nanostructure of edible fats

Researchers at DOE's Brookhaven are using the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) to categorize the many facets of fat crystals. They've learned that the distribution and directionality of these crystal nanostructures ...

Are we closing in on dark matter?

As the search for dark matter intensifies, the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago and the National Academy of Sciences organized a colloquium that brings together cosmologists, particle ...

One million UK jobs depend on physics, report reveals

A new report from the Institute of Physics (IOP) shows that 4% of employees in the UK work in companies that would not exist without the physics base, or without employees that have an advanced understanding of physics.

How Swedes feel about health, culture and recycling of clothes

Our values change as we age. This is the main conclusion of the 2011 SOM survey, from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, where Swedes were asked to rate the importance of different values. Young people want their lives ...

She won a gold medal because she's pretty

An examination of past Olympic Games television coverage shows notable differences in the way sports commentators talk about athletes, depending upon the athletes' races, gender and nationalities.

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