Running on tempo

Some runners take it slow while others tear up the pavement. Either way, music gives runners their mojo, and can be the key to creating a productive, enjoyable run, according to a team of Michigan State University seniors ...

Facebook to allow further music integration (Update)

Facebook is preparing to bolster the programming tools it offers to licensed music services like Rhapsody, Spotify, MOG and Rdio to make it easier for users of the social network to find out what songs their friends are digging.

Google Planning Android 3.0 and Music Service for Q4

( -- Google Android 3.0 aka Gingerbread, will appear around mid-October with the first headsets shipping in November/December time frame, according to's Eldar Murtazin. This information was obtained ...

MySpace buys imeem music site for under $1 mln

(AP) -- MySpace's online music venture with recording labels completed its purchase of song streaming site imeem on Tuesday, scooping up its 16 million users and mobile phone applications for less than $1 million.

Virtual music school becomes a reality

( -- Students of popular musical instruments may soon be learning to play with the help of a new generation of intelligent, interactive computer programmes.

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