Six 'megatrends' that will change the way we live

Humanity will find new ways to do more with less, climate change will have a far-reaching impact, and personal experiences will trump products according to CSIRO's latest global megatrends report.

Farmers' climate denial begins to wane as reality bites

Australia has been described as the "front line of the battle for climate change adaptation", and our farmers are the ones who have to lead the charge. Farmers will have to cope, among other pressures, with longer droughts, ...

South Australia's droughts are getting worse

Despite Adelaide experiencing its wettest day in more than two years this month, a new study by UniSA shows droughts are becoming longer and more severe in South Australia.

Alien frog invasion wreaks havoc on natural habitat

Indiscriminate feeding by an alien population of the carnivorous spotted-thighed frog—could severely affect the native biodiversity of southern Australia according to a new study by the University of South Australia.

Turtle scavenging critical to freshwater ecosystem health

Freshwater turtles may have a role in regulating water quality in river systems by scavenging fish carcasses, suggests a study of Emydura macquarii, a vulnerable freshwater turtle species found in Australia. The findings ...

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