Jobs had Google phones in crosshairs: biographer

Insights into Apple co-founder Steve Jobs's vendetta against Google and his criticisms of fellow high-tech titans spread quickly online ahead of the Monday release of his authorized biography.

Intel's mysterious TV device sparks industry chatter

Buzz is building over Intel's secretive TV set-top box due out later this year, which the chipmaker claims will provide live and other content via the Internet, is easy to use, and boasts face-recognition technology so it ...

Chatty robots, flying alarm clocks at top high-tech fair

Robots that teach Chinese, computers controlled by moving the eyes and flying alarm clocks were among the weird and wonderful gadgets wowing crowds Wednesday at the world's top high-tech fair.

RadioShack Corp. quietly opens new concept store

RadioShack Corp. has quietly opened a new concept store in the Dallas area. If successful, the ubiquitous RadioShack easily could convert some of its stores in each market, analysts said.

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