Tiny protein has big impact in times of stress

Ribosomes churn out proteins that carry out all of life's functions, but when missing a key and previously overlooked factor, they can break down in times of stress, Yale University scientists have discovered. 

Secrets of a little-known cancer ally revealed

Human cancers often have a little recognized ally— the increased size and number of a cell's organelles called the nucleolus. The nucleolus is where ribosomes, the cellular protein factories, are made. Ribosomes can also ...

Research opening gates for better targeting drugs

Researchers at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Department of Cell Physiology and Molecular Biophysics and the Center for Membrane Protein. Research have determined the kinetic cycle of a potassium ...

Key to expanding genetic code described

Yale scientists have described the atomic structure of a protein that is the key tool in efforts by synthetic biologists to expand the genetic code.

Two possible landing sites for ExoMars mission

The ExoMars mobile rover, tasked with recovering evidence of life on the Red Planet, will touch down in 2021 at one of two sites, scientists announced Wednesday.

Ribosomal quality control

The formation of macromolecular machines within cells is often a complicated endavour. Biochemists from the University of Würzburg and Göttingen have now unravelled new details of these processes. They show that cells invest ...

New views of intracellular channel that controls skeletal muscle

Using high-resolution electron microscopy, Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers have uncovered new details of the structure and function of an intracellular channel that controls the contraction of skeletal ...

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