Related topics: iphone

Top electronics fair embraces 'grey' gizmos

High-tech gadgets to make the lives of senior citizens simpler, safer and more fun are in the spotlight at the world's top showcase for consumer electronics and home appliances.

Australians hit by 'pay up or die' extortion text

Police across Australia warned mobile phone users on Monday to ignore a text message sent to "a large number of people" threatening death if they did not pay Aus$5,000 (US$5,150).

Mobile phones trump computers among online Chinese

Mobile phones have overtaken computers as the most popular device for getting online in China, the government said Thursday, as it announced the number of web users had hit 538 million.

Battle is joined for Japan's e-book market

In highly-literate and gadget-loving Japan, e-books are curiously rare -- but battle for the largely-untapped and potentially hugely lucrative market is about to commence.

Americans moving to mobile Internet: survey

A growing number of Americans use their mobile phones to access the Internet, and some use that as their only device to get online, a survey showed Tuesday.

The phone that knows where you're going

( -- Can mobile phones predict our behavior? Three EPFL students won the "Nokia Mobile Data Challenge" by accurately predicting the place where phone users were likely to go next. Their method could be used to develop ...

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