Baleen whales hear through their bones

Understanding how baleen whales hear has posed a great mystery to marine mammal researchers. New research by San Diego State University biologist Ted W. Cranford and University of California, San Diego engineer Petr Krysl ...

Harpoonless Japanese whalers heading for Antarctic

Japanese whalers will set out for the Antarctic this week, but will leave their harpoons at home after the United Nations' top court last year ruled their annual hunt was illegal, the government said Tuesday.

Japan cuts Antarctic whale quota after UN court ruling

Japan said Tuesday it has cut its Antarctic whale-catch quota by two-thirds in a move it hopes will convince international opponents it is conducting real science, not hiding a commercial hunt behind a veneer of research.

Japan starts Pacific 'research' whaling

A fleet of four Japanese ships left the northern main island of Hokkaido on Sunday to start the seasonal "research" whaling hunt in Pacific coastal waters, local media said.

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