What happens when we assign human qualities to companies?

Understanding how people judge organizations, especially after organizational wrongdoing, is a complex puzzle—but a consequential one. New research from the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business sheds light on the intriguing ...

How uploading our minds to a computer might become possible

The idea that our mind could live on in another form after our physical body dies has been a recurring theme in science fiction since the 1950s. Recent television series such as "Black Mirror" and "Upload," as well as some ...

Animal personalities can trip up science, but there's a solution

Several years ago, Christian Rutz started to wonder whether he was giving his crows enough credit. Rutz, a biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and his team were capturing wild New Caledonian crows and ...

How to fight misinformation in the post-truth era

An article published in the Journal of Social Epistemology entitled "Institutions of Epistemic Vigilance: The Case of the Newspaper Press" authored by Central European University researchers Akos Szegofi and Christophe Heintz ...

Mindfulness and well-being in management students

How have mindfulness and well-being sat with adult management students during the COVID-19 pandemic? And, does gender have a moderating role? These are two pertinent questions for our current age that are answered in the ...

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