Hydrocarbon photocatalysts get in shape and go for gold

A combination of semiconductor catalysts, optimum catalyst shape, gold-copper co-catalyst alloy nanoparticles and hydrous hydrazine reducing agent enables an increase of hydrocarbon generation from CO2 by a factor of ten.

A new X-ray microscope for nanoscale imaging

Delivering the capability to image nanostructures and chemical reactions down to nanometer resolution requires a new class of x-ray microscope that can perform precision microscopy experiments using ultra-bright x-rays from ...

Nanoscale salt baskets up close (w/ Video)

The electron microscope images below, reminiscent of man-made baskets or children's blocks, shows cubic salt crystals that have been forced to form in spheres, as Rox Middleton explains.

Physicist sifts through sandy shrapnel

Once the site of the Second World War's bloodiest battles, the beaches of Normandy are now a mecca of sunbathing and swimming. Lurking in the sand, though, is a time capsule of those battles.

Imaging turns a corner

(Phys.org) —Scientists have developed a new microscope which enables a dramatically improved view of biological cells.

Robotics goes micro-scale

(Phys.org) —The development of light-driven 'micro-robots' that can autonomously investigate and manipulate the nano-scale environment in a microscope comes a step closer, thanks to new research from the University of Bristol. ...

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