Training computers to see metaphors

Suppose you are at an intelligence agency and your computer is faced with terabytes of text every day -- documents, emails, transcriptions of voice conversations and more -- and many contain metaphors. How do you train your ...

Metaphors bias perceptions of scientific discovery

Whether ideas are "like a light bulb" or come forth as "nurtured seeds," how we describe discovery shapes people's perceptions of both inventions and inventors. Notably, Kristen Elmore (Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational ...

Metaphoring the police: It's all about the right choice of word

A well-chosen metaphor does wonders to explain concepts, to persuade and to ensure buy-in into any given matter. So says Paul Thibodeau of Oberlin College in the US, lead author of an article in Springer's journal Psychonomic ...

Online food reviews reveal inner self, Stanford linguist finds

( —Word choice in online restaurant reviews reveals much about people's inner worlds, according to Stanford research. The study, appearing in the April 7 issue of the journal First Monday, uses software to investigate ...

Survey reveals fault lines in views on climate change

Climate change is a hotly debated issue among many scientists, but a new study published by a University of Alberta researcher notes that geoscientists and engineers also become embroiled in the issue—and for some, it can ...

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