Concurrent heatwaves seven times more frequent than 1980s

Multiple large heatwaves the size of Mongolia occurred at the same time nearly every day during the warm seasons of the 2010s across the Northern Hemisphere, according to a study led by Washington State University researchers.

How words acquire their meaning

Researchers in EPFL's College of Humanities have used machine learning to reveal how humans bridge the often-significant gaps between signal and meaning in communication.

Chimps communicate in context

New research led by the University of St Andrews reveals bonobo chimpanzee gestures change meaning according to the specific context in which they are used, in the same way humans communicate.

Reducing global warming matters for freshwater fish species

The habitats of freshwater fish species are threatened by global warming, mainly due to rising water temperatures. A 3.2-degree Celsius increase in global mean temperature would threaten more than half of the habitat for ...

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