Achieving optimal efficiencies for nanoengines

( -- "There's a lot of recent interest in understanding the functioning and optimal performance of small systems," Katja Lindenberg tells Lindenberg is a scientist in the Department of Chemistry ...

The sun also flips: 11-year solar cycle wimpy, but peaking

( —In a 3-meter diameter hollow aluminum sphere, Cary Forest, a UW-Madison physics professor, is stirring and heating plasmas to 500,000 degrees Fahrenheit to experimentally mimic the magnetic field-inducing cosmic ...

Atmospheric 'sunshade' could reduce solar power generation

The concept of delaying global warming by adding particles into the upper atmosphere to cool the climate could unintentionally reduce peak electricity generated by large solar power plants by as much as one-fifth, according ...

Wind turbines that learn like humans

Depending on the weather, wind turbines can face whispering breezes or gale-force gusts. Such variable conditions make extracting the maximum power from the turbines a tricky control problem, but a collaboration of Chinese ...

NASA sees super Typhoon Jelawat Affecting Japan

Super Typhoon Jelawat is a large and powerful storm that has been bringing very rough seas to areas in the western North Pacific. NASA's Terra satellite passed over the monster storm and captured a visible image as it nears ...

What's driving re-burns across California and the West?

Seasonal temperature, moisture loss from plants and wind speed are what primarily drive fires that sweep across the same landscape multiple times, a new study reveals. These findings and others could help land managers plan ...

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