Juicy past of favorite Okinawan fruit revealed

Citrus fruits from the mandarin family are popular throughout the world for their tasty and healthy characteristics. Within Japan, the tiny shiikuwasha and the ornamental tachibana are of special cultural and historical importance. ...

Study shows facial features track with intonation of words

Even though they are not needed to make the specific sounds, parts of Mandarin Chinese speakers' faces—their eyebrows and lips—mimic the rising and falling pitch that distinguishes one word spelled exactly the same from ...

Researchers Release New Citrus Variety (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Citrus researchers at the University of California, Riverside have released a new mandarin (or tangerine) for commercial production. Named ‘DaisySL’ for Daisy seedless, the new fruit is finely textured ...

Why do metaphors of space help us understand time?

Expressions linking space to time are a common part of our day to day lives. You might say the morning "flew by," or that school exams are "fast approaching." Right now, you might say summer is "just around the corner," while ...

Mandarin language learners get a boost from AI

IBM Research and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) are collaborating on a new approach to help students learn Mandarin. The strategy pairs an AI-powered assistant with an immersive classroom environment that has not ...

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