Firm warns of hacker threat to mobile gadgets

Cyber security veterans behind startup CrowdStrike will demonstrate at the RSA conference on Wednesday that the types of attacks used against computers are heading for smartphones.

Symantec urges users to disable pcAnywhere

Symantec is recommending that users of its pcAnywhere software disable the product following the theft of source code from the US computer security firm.

Facebook users get graphic images in spam attack

Facebook said Tuesday that a "coordinated spam attack" was responsible for graphic images appearing in the news feeds of some members of the world's largest social network.

Cybercrime networks impacted 1M computer users

(AP) -- Law enforcement officers in the U.S. and seven other nations have seized dozens of computers, servers and bank accounts in an international probe of cybercrime rings responsible for $74 million in losses to more ...

Free app protects Facebook accounts from hackers

( -- Two University of California, Riverside graduate students and a company run by an alumnus of the school have partnered to develop a free Facebook application that detects spam and malware posted on users' ...

A Q&A about the malicious software known as ransomware

Ransomware is a growing threat to computer users, who can suddenly find they're unable to open or use their files when their machines are infected. The malicious software can attack any user—an individual, small business, ...

First clinical study of computer security

Installing computer security software, updating applications regularly and making sure not to open emails from unknown senders are just a few examples of ways to reduce the risk of infection by malicious software, or "malware". ...

Google maps malicious websites

Google expanded its Transparency Report on Tuesday to include maps of spots around the world where hackers are laying traps or baiting Internet users.

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