Virgin male moths think they're hot when they're not (w/ Video)

Talk about throwing yourself into a relationship too soon. A University of Utah study found that when a virgin male moth gets a whiff of female sex attractant, he's quicker to start shivering to warm up his flight muscles, ...

How moths key into the scent of a flower

Moths need just the essence of a flower's scent to identify it, according to new research from The University of Arizona in Tucson.

Don't like spiders? Here are 10 reasons to change your mind

Australia is famous for its supposedly scary spiders. While the sight of a spider may cause some people to shudder, they are a vital part of nature. Hostile reactions are harming conservation efforts—especially when people ...

Like moths to a colorful flame

A nocturnal moth may be using its colorful wing patterns to attract a female mate, according to new research led by The University of Western Australia and the Adolphe Merkle Institute in Switzerland.

Nature's cheats—how animals and plants trick and deceive

As night closes in across Kentucky a small chubby spider makes a silk line between two plants. She then moves along her "trapeze wire" and waits. After a while a moth approaches within range, and the spider unleashes a swinging ...

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