Related topics: magnetic field

Deep science drove discovery of Titanic

Today, anyone with a wad of cash and a sense of adventure can dive to the Titanic's deepsea grave, but behind these tourist jaunts lies a long and daunting tale of scientific endeavour.

Juno processing continues in Florida

( -- Processing on NASA's Juno spacecraft continues with the spacecraft being inserted into its payload fairing yesterday, (July 18, 2011). The payload fairing acts as a protective cocoon that will shield Juno ...

Earth, Venus lightnings produced by similar mechanisms

Despite the great differences between the atmospheres of Venus and Earth, scientists have discovered that very similar mechanisms produce lightning on the two planets. The rates of discharge, the intensity and the spatial ...

Cassini to Dive Low through Titan Atmosphere

( -- As American schoolchildren head out to pools for a summer splash, NASA's Cassini spacecraft will be taking its own deep plunge through the Titan atmosphere this week.

Proba-2 tracks Sun surging into space (w/ Video)

( -- Proba-2 is a small but innovative member of ESA's spacecraft fleet, crammed with experimental technologies. In its first eight months of life it has already returned more than 90 000 images of the Sun.

Space scientists set for final spacecraft flyby of Mercury

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft, which is toting an $8.7 million University of Colorado at Boulder instrument, will make its third and final flyby of Mercury on Sept. 29 -- a clever gravity-assist maneuver that will steer it ...

Showcasing the secrets of Caistor Roman town

In December 2007 a team of experts, led by The University of Nottingham, unveiled an extraordinary set of high-resolution images that gave an insight into the plan of the Roman town of Venta Icenorum at Caistor St Edmund ...

Quantum magnetometers for industrial applications

On April 1 2019, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft launches the lighthouse project "Quantum Magnetometry" (QMag): Freiburg's Fraunhofer institutes IAF, IPM and IWM want to transfer quantum magentometry from the field of university ...

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