Lithium hoarding behind failure of promising new battery

Ever worry that your cell phone will fade when you need it most? Or that the same thing will happen when driving your electric car? Lightweight lithium-sulfur batteries could be the answer, holding two times the energy of ...

Glass coating improves battery performance

Lithium-sulfur batteries have been a hot topic in battery research because of their ability to produce up to 10 times more energy than conventional batteries, which means they hold great promise for applications in energy-demanding ...

Heterogeneous carbon hosts enable stable lithium-sulfur battery

Sulfur, in tremendous abundance as byproducts of petroleum industry, is one of the most intriguing solutions to address the energy dilemma by manifesting the chemistry between sulfur and lithium. Thus, lithium-sulfur batteries ...

Chemists seek state-of-the-art lithium-sulfur batteries

When can we expect to drive the length of Germany in an electric car without having to top up the battery? Chemists at the NIM Cluster at LMU and at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, have now synthesized a new ...

Lithium sulfur: A battery revolution on the cheap?

( —Whip together an industrial waste product and a bit of plastic and you might have the recipe for the next revolution in battery technology. Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology ...

'Yolk-shell' design leads to world-record battery performance

(—SLAC and Stanford scientists have set a world record for energy storage, using a clever "yolk-shell" design to store five times more energy in the sulfur cathode of a rechargeable lithium-ion battery than is ...

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