Related topics: children · language

Yes, your dog can understand what you're saying—to a point

Humans are unique in their ability to develop sophisticated language abilities. Language allows us to communicate with each other and live in complex societies. It is key to our advanced cognitive abilities and technological ...

Languages will change significantly on interstellar flights

It's a captivating idea: build an interstellar ark, fill it with people, flora, and fauna of every kind, and set your course for a distant star. The concept is not only science fiction gold, it's been the subject of many ...

Ease up on e-learning expectations for kids

You may have seen the Israeli mom's video rant about the intensity of the workload of her four children during online learning: "If we don't die of Corona, we'll die of distance learning!"

Reading's best language

New study shows early reading in any language helps children learn to read English.

7 ways to build your child's vocabulary

If you want your child to have a rich and fulfilling life, one of the best things you can do is help build your child's vocabulary. Research shows strong language ability is associated with a number of positive things, including ...

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