Get ready for climate change, says UN panel

The toll from ever-more intense floods, drought, and heatwaves will crescendo this century unless humanity anticipates the onslaught, according to a UN report set to be unveiled on Friday.

What is a hurricane?

The Caribbean's worst storm in nearly a decade, Hurricane Matthew, has already killed at least nine people and was threatening the southeastern US on Wednesday.

Sandfish lizard slithers into science spotlight

In less than a second, a sandfish lizard can dig its way into the sand and disappear. Blink and you miss it. The sandfish's slithering moves are inspiring new robotic moves that could one day help search-and-rescue crews ...

World should heed lessons from Hurricane Katrina, economist says

A decade after Hurricane Katrina hammered America's Gulf Coast, measures are being taken there to protect against similar devastation from natural disasters—as well as against long-term, gradual impacts resulting from climate ...

Since Katrina: NASA advances storm models, science

On Aug. 28, 2005, the National Hurricane Center issued a public notice warning people in New Orleans of "devastating damage expected...power outages will last for weeks...persons...pets...and livestock left exposed to the ...

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