Related topics: dinosaurs

Ancient bug's last supper of blood still in fossil

In a steamy tropical forest 46 million years ago, a prehistoric mosquito bit a critter, drew blood and was blown into a lake in what is now the northwestern state of Montana. Belly full, she died and sank.

Did dinosaurs have lips?

Can a crocodile's smile reveal whether dinosaurs had lips? What if lips and gums hid most of dinosaur's teeth?

Body temperatures of dinosaurs measured for the first time

( -- Were dinosaurs slow and lumbering, or quick and agile? It depends largely on whether they were cold or warm blooded. When dinosaurs were first discovered in the mid-19th century, paleontologists thought they ...

The mighty dinosaurs were bugged by other critters

Dinosaurs were the dominant group of terrestrial vertebrate animals for more than a hundred million years. Some of them grew to gargantuan sizes but even these mighty creatures would have fallen prey to parasites.

Whales' eyes offer glimpse into their evolution from land to sea

University of Toronto researchers have shed light on the evolutionary transition of whales' early ancestors from on-shore living to deep-sea foraging, suggesting that these ancestors had visual systems that could quickly ...

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